
virtual lan中文是什么意思

  • 虚拟局域网
  • 虚拟数据网络



  • 例句与用法
  • Specify a virtual lan port for the partition
  • Ensure that the host partition is configured to use the virtual lan
  • Specify a virtual lan port for the partition in figure 5 , lan 0
    为分区指定一个虚拟局域网( virtual lan )端口(在图5中,
  • Remember that the linux partition lives on a virtual lan that you configured earlier
    记住, linux分区位于您前面配置的虚拟lan中。
  • Packets will be automatically forwarded to the logical partition through the virtual lan
  • Gives the iseries machine a way to start and stop a guest partition and its associated virtual lan
  • As switching technology , virtual lan technology and full - duplex technology applied , ethernet has solved its undeterministic nature problem
  • If traffic flows are predictable enough that the network can be designed to keep 70 to 80 percent of the traffic within specific logical groups , virtual lans ( vlans ) can be used to create these logical groups
    如果流量能预测的程度足以设计在特定的逻辑组内保持70 %至80 %的流量的网络,那末虚拟局域网( vlan )就可被用来建立这些逻辑组。
  • Redundant power supplies , hot - swappable modules and spanning tree protocol ( stp ) support are all mandatory elements of a backbone switch , as is support for emerging switch technologies , including virtual lans
    具有冗余能力的电源、可热插拔的模块和对生成树协议( stp )的支持都是基干交换机必备的成分,实际上它支持新出现的交换技术,如虚拟局域网。
  • While they typically do not include the protocol filtering and other routing functions offered by backbone switches , some workgroup switches support advanced software including stp , simple network management protocol and virtual lans
    一般而言,虽然它们不包含基干交换机提供的协议过滤和其它路由功能,但某些工作组交换机支持高级软件,如stp 、简单网络管理协议和虚拟局域网。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
In computer networking, a single layer-2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them via one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN or VLAN.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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